Hyperhidrosis : Symptoms, Causes, Complications & Treatment

Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) -It is Abnormally excessive sweating involving the extremities, underarms and face, usually unrelated to body temperature or exercise.

You sweat so much that it soaks through your clothes or drips off your hands. Heavy sweating can disrupt your day and cause social anxiety and embarrassment.

Hyperhidrosis treatment usually helps.


The main symptom of hyperhidrosis is heavy sweating. This goes beyond sweating from being in a hot environment, exercising, or feeling anxious or stressed. The type of hyperhidrosis that usually affects the hands, feet, underarms or face causes at least one episode a week when you’re awake. And the sweating usually happens on both sides of the body.

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes excessive sweating is a sign of a serious condition.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have heavy sweating with dizziness, pain in the chest, throat, jaw, arms, shoulders or throat, or cold skin and a rapid pulse.

See your doctor if:

  • Sweating disrupts your daily routine
  • Sweating causes emotional distress or social withdrawal
  • You suddenly begin to sweat more than usual
  • You experience night sweats for no apparent reason


  • Sweat glands
  • Enlarge image

Sweating is the body’s mechanism to cool itself. The nervous system automatically triggers sweat glands when your body temperature rises. Sweating also occurs, especially on your palms, when you’re nervous.

Primary hyperhidrosis is caused by faulty nerve signals that trigger eccrine sweat glands to become overactive. It usually affects the palms, soles, underarms and sometimes the face. There is no medical cause for this type of hyperhidrosis. It can run in families.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by an underlying medical condition or by taking certain medications, such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and some diabetes and hormonal medications. This type of hyperhidrosis may cause sweating all over the body. 

Conditions that might cause it include:

  • Diabetes
  • Menopause hot flashes
  • Thyroid problems 
  • Some types of cancer
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Infections


Complications of hyperhidrosis include:

  • Infections. People who sweat a lot are more prone to skin infections.
  • Social and emotional effects. Having clammy or dripping hands and sweat-soaked clothes can be embarrassing.

Your condition may affect your pursuit of work and educational goals.


Treating hyperhidrosis starts with treating the condition causing it. If a cause isn’t found, treatment focuses on controlling heavy sweating. 

Botulinum toxin injections:

Here in Glow clinic, expert doctors   inject a weak form of this medicine into your underarms, palms and soles. To treat excessive sweating, a patient will need to have very tiny amounts injected in many areas of the underarms, palms and soles. When performed properly, patients have little pain or discomfort.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this treatment for the underarms. It also helps post-menopausal women who sweat excessively on the head. It may be effective for excessive sweating that affects the hands and feet.

How it works

The injections temporarily block a chemical in the body that stimulates the sweat glands. Most patients notice results four to five days after receiving treatment.Reduced sweating lasts about four to six months, and sometimes longer. When the excessive sweating returns, you can be retreated.

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